Monday 14 April 2008

Fox Rain Clouds

They say in Japan that when rain falls as the sun shines, there will be a marriage. A marriage between foxes. Therefore it is called "Fox Rain".

Due to the nature of the fox, being a shape shifter, able to transform in between it´s fox harbour into human form, a fox marriage is considered a very magical and mysterious one.
It is not to be seen by humans.

If ever you would stumble across the foxes marching gently to the marriage, be sure to run, or you migth end up in their realm forever.. or even worse.

Today it was a true fox rain.
These are some of the pictures I took as the rain ended.

Fox rain clouds are mesmerizing.
Truly the work of magic.

Saturday 12 April 2008

Rejection and Progress

" In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected

they come back to us with a
certain alienated majesty. "

/ Ralph
Waldo Emerson

Life is about being rejected.
Time and time again.

It´s about rejected by parents, school, talent agents, friends and foes, bartenders, doorkeepers, buss drivers and hotel clerks, publishing houses, girl or boyfriends, potential girl or boyfriends, company leaders, politicians, city councils, school boards.. well all kinds of boards and authority's.

Just remember that the rejection does not define you, your talent or your life, your future or your hopes. Never accept rejection to be the "truth".
Just go on. Leap again and again.
Leap and the net will appear.
If it did not.. you just did not leap from a point high enough and towards a goal impossible enough.

"You have to know how to accept rejection and reject
acceptance. "
/ Ray Bradbury, advice to writers

Rejection is what makes us grow.
It makes us find new ways and look upon life through new angles.

It gives us opportunities to find new paths that would never appear otherwise.
Look upon it as a gift.
Enjoy every single rejection.
Enjoy it even in times of pain.
Never let it define you.

Always remember:
Love is law.
You are a living descendant of God.

"Every great advance
in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority."
/ Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)

Monday 7 April 2008

Dreamland and Pillarbed

I always loved the pillarbeds of the silver screen as they appeared in agent movies, adventure films and romantic dramas.
I always wanted one myself.
And after reading Von Götha, Frollo and other masters of the sensual and burlesque literature that feeling just got stronger.
I just could not resist when I saw the silver bed at the store.
It had my name written on it.
So now I read the Von Götha albums in my bed of silver pillars on my way to dreamland.